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Our Services

Zero Waste Solutions That Won't Cost you the Earth

Container Capture

Setting Up an Effective System to Capture Your Empties

While container recycling is a simple business venues often make the mistake of not establishing a system to capture empty bottles and cans.


You don't want your staff handling rubbish, particularly glass that is heavy and can cause cuts - so it's important to setup effective bin systems in your bars, kitchen and garbage room that allow you to effectively source separate. 


Its also critical that the bins and system to load them when they are collected minimises damage to the empty - after all you only earn the refund if the beverage container is in tact and the bar code can be scanned.


Finally, Your team needs to understand what containers are eligible and how the system works so that they don't contaminate the container recycling with rubbish that will cause the Return & Earn Depot to reject your containers or charge you for sorting. 


With over 15 years experience working with deposit systems, Dave and Anthony pride themself on their ability to establish the most effective container capture system. Bottle and Can Collections are able to provide you with the right equipment, effective signage and education and can even assist you to access grant funding to help you lift your recycling rates and turn your Trash into Cash! 

wheelie bin

While wheelie bins aren't designed for container capture (their meant for tipping which can cause breakage) their portability makes them ideal for moving glass from bar areas into your waste service area. Bottle and Can Collections offer the complete range of wheelie bins - custom fitted to minimise any waste or contamination.

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